What if you knew a refugee child, bearing the consequence of cruel beings of old, that bare no truth to their world purity?
Envision this in the heart of your mind, a silhouetted figure amidst carnage, with nothing but war torn fabric, a stare of absolute despair and lungs full of lifeless air. As they traverse unfamiliar landscapes, memories of laughter, family gatherings, and hometown streets mix with stark images of conflict, loss, and unimaginable imagery etched within.
What if you could see the stories in the black abyss of dilated pupils — tales of home left behind and the inverse reflections of unfamiliar animated faces that stare, cameras that stream from the openings to their crying souls, yet within, a flickering light of protection by the Spirit of Omnipotent Hope and Resilience?
Awaken to the existence of inhumane evil that lurks and has procreated through Ahrimanic, male dominated circles of parasitic symbiosis perpetuating ill-willed geopolitical discourse — evil beings that think, feel and act in their sadistically ‘ego-enlightened’ embodiment.
Truthful stories of such refugee children risk becoming mere statistics, faceless; a sustained attempt to desensitize and detach the essence of Love and Truth from our sensitive Conscious Heart forces that pierce through perpetuated propaganda and direct light to the darkness that lurks to devour us through the ignorant.
This is the brutal TRUTH of our time.
Of the year two thousand and twenty three.
The numerous veils of truth upon the world’s narrative into the struggles and hopes of countless souls seeking sanctuary and a chance at simply experiencing life and the diversity within the earth, we realize such stark realities exist from the narrative of Othering; ‘me and you’ and ‘us and them’.
Their exists humane beings and there exists inhumane beings.
It is a choice of becoming.
The Silent Cry of Displaced Dreams
From war-torn cities to villages devoured by human induced and nature induced consequence, young souls such as the refugee child are often the silent witnesses of karma they did not put into action. Uprooted from familiar grounds, they carry the legacy of humanity, their culture, history, and familial bonds, even as they are incoherently thrust into alien, hostile, trauma induced environments that no innocent, or guilty human being deserves to enter into as a sustained reality upon this lifetime on Earth.
The Resilience of Refuge
While the world may see vulnerability, these children exhibit unparalleled resilience, the ‘Newest’ Testament in the evolution of the human spirit being indomitable Will. An indomitable Will entering into the world through the interdependency of three cardinal virtues:
- Endurance in Adversity: Each step they take is a powerful testament to their courage, facing each day with an optimism many might find inconceivable. A sensorial reality, a somatic abyss of truth.
- Harbinger of Hope: Despite bearing the scars of loss, they are often the beacon of hope for the rest of the world watching online from near and far, illuminating the unforgiving truth of the path ahead with their dreams and aspirations a withering scent.
- Unwavering Faith: Their journey, fraught with uncertainty, is also a testament to unwavering faith — in humanity, in a better tomorrow, and in the global community’s potential kindness through outrageous courage, narrative, generosity, fearlessness, selflessness whilst embodying Angelic Altruism for nameless grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunties, cousins, brothers, sisters, children, newborns, OUR world family bonds.
The Global Perspective: Not Just Survivors, But Torchbearers of the emerging Soul of Humanity.
As borders tighten and debates intensify leading to peering into the pool of potential unfathomable world war and atrocities, we must remember that children, refugees, fellow human beings offer more than tales of survival or pity.
We are moved to feel diverse perspectives, untapped potential, and the promise of a world that awaits diverse unity and thriving through understanding that which has for far too long been viewed as, ‘not my problem’.
It is of utmost importance to acknowledge that beneath their strength and resilience, these human beings will bear invisible scars of trauma that longs to be released.
Experiences of conflict, loss, and displacement will leave lasting wounds within their hearts and minds. As we acknowledge and grieve observing utter resilience, we must recognize the pressing need to heal and transform such traumas, our collective trauma, the inheritance of those not yet born upon this Land.
The global community plays a crucial role in providing the resources and support necessary to address this aspect of living, breathing, feeling human beings. Mental health services, safe spaces, counseling, therapies, play, warmth of dialogue, listening, documentation, visual anthropologies, monologues, storytelling are all essential in helping navigate the tumultuous waters of cruelty cast upon those from such darkness that fights to stay alive through the ignorant and the weakened, upon this sanctity of Earth.
By assisting in the healing process, we can empower torchbearers to shape a future that not only thrives on unity and understanding but also embodies a profound commitment to emotional well-being and lasting transformation for human beings. In doing so, we honor human resilience, loved ones no longer upon this earth or that have been cruelly cast far, far away from one another.
“Hello, can you still recognize the humanity that emanates within those who walk through the caverns of darkness that will dispel from the fire of Altruism that re-ignites us all together?”
A Non-Negotiable Proposition: Listen, Learn, and Lead:
Now is not the time for passive empathy. It is a catalyst for actionable compassion from us all. We are witnessing the emergence of many across the world through uniting together in physical and virtual gatherings of thoughts, words and movements to raise the light of truth from the eternal Human Spirit.
Listen to these truths, learn from shared resilience, and lead initiatives that integrate all of Humanity into a re-weaving of Society’s fabric from a Place-based approach — interconnected with the world’s live-feed of, Humanity’s Odyssey, at the press of a post just like these words shared here from me to you, through all of us, from seen to unseen.
As YOU envision the world’s future, ponder on that young refugee child.
“What if their unthinkable journey, their Spirit, their Will, their Trauma, carried the lessons our world so desperately needs awakening to, and healing through?”
Lessons of perseverance, unity, and the transformative power of hope in Armageddon, upon this very time that WE all exist within, as the present evolution of a human species, upon the heaven or hell we consume or create, and ultimately allow manifestation of upon this precious planet Earth we have no choice but to live and breathe upon in the individuality of our here and now.
This is the emergence of humanity’s inheritance; a reflection of our Earth’s deep seeded traumas from the projection of a once silenced humanity truth that is shining forth with almost blinding reality for the awakened.
The Ignorant; self-diagnosed hypochondriacs suffering degenerative blindness and deafness.
We are hearing the screaming. We are staring into blinding visuals through imagery that is streaming directly upon the very neurological and physiological pathways that influences our conscious thinking, feeling, willing within me, and within you. In waking hours, and in sleep.
We are awakening to the reality of Life observed and experienced through the brutal denial and abuse of Life upon many thinking, feeling, willing human beings who await fortunate human beings to liberate them from the void of Life being stolen before its natural timing.
There is an urgency of divine deliverance from the courageous awakened human beings that may never, ever meet or know of one another’s physical form as life journeys continue upon the wisdom of Time, encapsulated within the trinity of; Adversity, Hope and Faith.
‘We’; the fortunate for now, are called forth from ignorance every waking and dreaming moment of every day and every night.
Every day you, and every day me.